Sunday, November 16, 2008

What's happening in class?

The week of November 17th-21st will be another busy one!

In L.A. we are kicking off our 1960's unit! We will be studying and reflecting upon this influential decade. The unit will consist of class discussions, watching informational videos, research, and role-playing debates. This week our main focus will be on watching two interesting, enlightening videos. The first will give an overview of the 1960's and the second will focus in on the year 1963.

Additionally, rough draft persuasive essays will be turned in on Tuesday for a teacher edit. Students have done a nice job selecting some interesting, challenging, original topics. I'm anxious to see their working drafts!

In reading, we will finish out our mythology unit with a 50 point test on Tuesday. We will review on Monday, and students will have all the tools they need to do a fantastic job on their test!

On Wednesday of this week, we will begin the classic novel, The Outsiders. It's an oldie and a goodie! We will be doing the majority of reading in class together, but students will also be reading on their own, putting into practice the comprehension improvement techniques we've been focusing on in class.

If you are unfamiliar with this page turning novel by S.E. Hinton, click on the link below. It will tell you everything you need to know about the novel and the movie!

Here's to a good week!

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