Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What's happening in class?

L.A. = Currently, each student is working on writing an original narrative essay. After discussing what makes a great story, and listening to and reading model essays from past 8th grade writers, students concieve their own topic idea and are then encouraged to use creativity to develop their own story and writing style.

You never know. We may have a future author among us! Keep in mind the fact that S.E. Hinton was only 16 years old when she wrote her first novel, The Outsiders.......

reading = Currently, we are multi-tasking in reading class. Tomorrow, September 20th, students begin presenting their first book report - a story board focusing on the plot of their free choice fiction novel......We are also in the middle of a short story unit, which exposes students to a number of writing styles, plots and focus. In addition to reading the stories and discussing them, we are also expanding vocabulary understanding and doing reflective writing.

Before reading the short story, "The Lady or the Tiger," by Frank Stockton to prompt a character study of the main character, the princess, students were asked to respond to the question, "Which emotion is stronger, love or jealousy?" After reading the story, the students used knowledge gleaned from the text to write their own ending to the unfinished story, defending their belief that the princess made her decision based on either love or jealousy over powering her in the end.

What do you think? Check out the story at

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