Thursday, September 27, 2007

What's Happening in class?


On Monday, October 1st, students will be taking their first unit test in reading. Each student will receive and complete in class a study guide for the test which will include a list of targeted vocabulary for making flash cards, a list of the short stories covered in the unit + a summary of each story, and the definitions of the key elements of a short story. Studying this information before Monday should ensure a good grade on the test!

***We will be choosing a new silent reading book on Tuesday, October 2nd, and students will be selecting Accelerated Reader free choice novels.

On Wednesday, we will begin our first novel study, The Outsiders - a well-loved classic exploring the topics of stereotyping, overcoming tragedy, growth, and acceptance.


Rough draft narratives were turned in last Monday for teacher edit, and returned on Friday. Final draft narrative essays are due on Tuesday, October 2nd. They are worth 100 pts! Here's to creating great polished essays!!!!!!

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