Monday, February 25, 2008

What's happening in class?

The week of February 25th-February 29th is going to be a busy one!

In language arts, ISAT preparation will be our main focus!!

1. On Monday, we will be reviewing how to prepare for and write a timed practice ISAT persuasive essay.

2. On Tuesday, students will then write a timed practice essay in class, using an ISAT formatted prompt. It will be scored and graded based on the standard ISAT rubric, and returned to students on Wednesday.

3. On Wednesday, we will review the graded essays, and then move on to reviewing how to take multiple choice tests, and how to write reading extended responses.

4. On Thursday, students will take a practice timed ISAT reading test, including MC questions and an extended response. Both tests will be scored and graded based on the standard ISAT rubric, and returned to students on Friday.

5. On Friday, we will discuss the MC and extended response results, and prepare to do one more practice run next week.......................

Repeat after me: "I love ISATS!!!!!!!" :)

In reading, we will be finishing the page turning novel, Monster, by Walter Dean Myers.

The students have done an excellent job acting as jury members, dissecting testimonies and weighing evidence. They are eagerly awaiting this week's verdict of whether the main character, Steve Harmon will be found guilty or innocent, and wondering how his life will change, depending on that verdict.

Tune in later this week to find out what happens....................................

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