Friday, December 14, 2007

What's Happening in class?

The week of December 17th will be busy!

In language arts, students will be selecting one of their three final draft essays to polish and share with the class. They will also be creating visual aides to go along with the reading of their essays. Preparation for the presentations will take place in class on Monday and Tuesday, and we will begin sharing essays on Wednesday!

In reading, We will be reading the long short story, "Flowers for Algernon." Parents around my age may remember the movie version of the story called Charlie. It's a science fiction tale about a intellectually challenged man who has the opportunity to triple his intelligence! The story delves into the pros and cons of being intellectually challenged and the pros and cons of being intellectually gifted. Charlie, the main character, deals with academic, emotional, and social challenges, and we get to go along for the interesting ride. Students will be taking a quiz on "Flowers for Algernon" on Friday, December 21st!

***All students have selected their new book report books too! They are accelerated reader books and the AR quizzes will be due to me roughly 2 weeks after winter break.

HAVE A SAFE, FUN WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be in MEXICO! :)

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