Saturday, October 18, 2008

What's happening in class?

The week of October 20th-24th will be another busy one!

In language arts, we will be writing our first expository essay! This essay is called a character sketch. It consists of drawing a picture of a person through words. Students will be selecting a person whom they know very well, and writing and essay about them. Not only will the essay focus on the person's personality but also it will reflect the relationship between writer and subject. We will be writing the majority of the rough draft together in class, and the final draft will be due on Thursday, October 30th.

In reading, the story of Steve Harmon, the main character of the novel Monster, continues to unfold. We are getting close to the end of the novel, and this week, students will be working in groups, further analyzing the information they have been gathering about the robbery/felony murder, and working towards their determination of Steve's guilt or innocence. Stay tuned!

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